I survived Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party’s purges. What's happening now reminds me of the CCP’s Central Cultural ...
And yet, Trump is currently involved in a cultural revolution as thoroughgoing in its ambitions and potential destructiveness as what Mao unleashed in China in the mid-1960s. You Say You Want a ...
The post falsely claimed that Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong were not responsible for the murders of millions of ...
During the Cultural Revolution, Mao promoted a semiliterate peasant to the office of vice premier and a low-level cadre at a textile mill to be his deputy at the age of 38. For his third term ...
While Mao, who launched China’s violent Cultural Revolution, and Trump share little in the way of geography, ideology, or hairstyle, they can both be described as agents of insurrection.
This new campaign was described by Mao and his associates as a “Cultural Revolution,” and the disruption that it wreaked on China and its economy lasted for nearly a decade. It is estimated ...
Yet in online discussion of American politics, censors provide leeway. When mocking or lamenting the Trumpian world, Chinese ...
The Cultural Revolution meant a vast purge of anyone thought to stand in the way of Chairman Mao’s long march towards a communist utopia. Mao called for a war against the four olds: old thinking ...
Many Chinese citizens see parallels between the turmoil in the United States under the Trump administration and the Cultural ...