Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the sepulchre. Lord Jesus Christ ... you could not remain enclosed in the tomb: the tomb is empty because he - the Father - "did ...
Her research focuses on textual criticism, Mary Magdalene, and the Gospel of John ... She goes alone to the empty tomb on Easter morning, where Jesus appears to her first. She gets the first ...
In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene is the first person to see Jesus after the resurrection. Jesus appeared to Mary after she returned alone to the empty tomb and instructed her to tell the ...
the tomb is empty. We almost get the impression that Jesus could not wait even for sunrise to come forth from the tomb. One can imagine Mary Magdalene recalling Jesus’ words, “I am the light ...
One of Jesus’ best friends, Mary Magdalene and some others ... Jesus’ body had disappeared. The tomb was empty apart from the clothes that Jesus’ body had been wrapped in.