Is this mindful fitness trend really good for your mental health? Colour walk is an activity of mindful walking through space while focusing on a particular colour. "Taking a walk with an emphasis ...
From a traditional mindfulness meditation to a ‘mindful walk’, here’s what they had to say. “Here is a short meditation exercise to help you calm your inner chatter, be present and find a ...
This exercise releases muscle tension. Pretend you are a turtle going for a slow, relaxed turtle walk. Oh no, it’s started to rain! Curl up tight under your shell for about ten seconds. The sun’s out ...
Reduce stress and boost creativity with time in nature. Eliminate distractions with sensory deprivation tanks or quiet, dark ...
Getting creative is a perfect mindful activity. You may have heard of mindful ... If you are able to get out for a walk once a day - rather than simply going from A to B, there are lots of ways ...
We've been chatting to life coach Amanda Trainer (aka Mrs Brain Trainer) about how mindfulness activities can play ... “When you’re out on your listening walk, why not let them choose a ...
Each day, children carry out a 5-10 minute activity or exercise to support their ... With young children, you need to introduce more of a moving kind of mindfulness and going outdoors for a mindful ...