The collecting duct system of the mouse kidney is colored red with a fluorescent dye. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
The watch still runs. More information: Louis S. Prahl et al, Jamming of nephron-forming niches in the developing mouse ...
which confirmed the earlier findings that the kidney was an important toxicity organ target for MEQ in vivo. FIGURE 8. The proposed mechanisms of oxidative stress in mouse after chronic exposure to ...
Led by Dr. Volker Vallon, faculty from UCSD and UAB organize an annual workshop designed to practice animal handling and phenotyping techniques for commonly used methods to study kidney function in ...
Humanized mouse diet protocols Johns Hopkins Biomedical Resource Core (B-DSSL) Immunological manifestations of dietary and social stressors in the kidney Johns Hopkins Biomedical Resource Core (B-DSSL ...
Knee joints and kidney were processed for analysis (see below ... Images of three serial sections encompassing the central load-bearing third of the joint in each mouse were selected and scored by a ...
University of Strathclyde scientists 3D print $60 microscope in less than three hours using a publicly available design from OpenFlexure.
To investigate the mechanisms of chronic kidney disease in the brain, the Leipzig researchers established a surgical mouse model in which 5/6 of the kidney tissue was removed. The study data ...