FEED THE LAWN: Apply a fertilizer to your lawn over the next three weeks. Use a lawn fertilizer and follow label directions ...
Many homeowners focus on mulching leaves. This involves chopping them up and spreading them over the lawn or garden, where ...
On Saturday, April 5 from 8am – 12pm, leaf mulch is available for pick up at Glade Road Growing. Loose and bagged leaves collected by the Town are composted ...
Homeowner-grade wood chippers are capable of chopping up large sticks and small branches, turning them into wood chips that you can use as mulch in your landscaping. Many also double as leaf ...
As the seasons change and autumn blankets Knoxville in a stunning display of reds, oranges, and yellows, homeowners are left ...
Follow our guide to mulching, an essential garden technique. Many different materials can be used to cover the soil’s surface, including bark chippings, leaf mould, well-rotted farmyard manure ...
During the day, you likely will not see slugs. "They are hiding under mulch, leaf litter, and pots on the patio," says Wendy Wilber, statewide master gardener volunteer coordinator for the ...