"Your father would kill me if he knew that I even let you in here," she told the Muscovy duck. "Let alone you're up on the couch." "Naughty!" she chided. But who could blame him? The duck "just ...
A team of archaeologists affiliated with several institutions in Germany, working with a colleague from the U.K. and another ...
A study has provided fascinating insights into how ancient humans interacted with Amazonian ecosystems centuries ago.
Archaeologists have uncovered further evidence of a pre-colonial “ garden city ” in Bolivia where ancient Amazon people lived largely reliant on maize agriculture and raising muscovy ducks.
On Monday, the Crestview City Council unanimously approved city staff's collaboration with Critter Control, a humane wildlife removal and animal control company, to reduce the Muscovy duck ...
CRESTVIEW, Fla. -- Hundreds of Muscovy duck are plaguing the Twin Hills Park in Crestview. But the city's hands are tied, as the invasive species cannot be relocated. The city is set to bring in a ...
Laredo Birding Festival 2025 offers birders a chance to see rare species and hear from experts like Greg Miller and Dr.
The missing Muscovy duck was "special to lots of people", according to Dale, 46, who said he had helped rear the tame bird from birth. Dale, who lives on a boat moored on the lake, said ...
A tethered muscovy duck in the village of Jasiaquiri, Llanos de Mojos, Bolivia. Ducks were probably also kept like this in pre-Hispanic times. A tethered muscovy duck in the village of Jasiaquiri ...
On Monday, the Crestview City Council unanimously approved city staff's collaboration with Critter Control, a humane wildlife removal and animal control company, to reduce the Muscovy duck population ...