This 10-minute stretch for neck, shoulder, and upper back stiffness is perfect for squeezing into your routine. Here's what ...
And just coming out of the pose, turn your left toes toward the back of the mat. Take warrior II the other way. You're welcome to stay here. Relax your shoulders, lengthening your neck.
We are all familiar with muscle pain and sore tissues. Rather than being the result of a single action, this discomfort stems ...
Hold this pose for up to 1 minute. This restorative pose helps relieve tension in your back, shoulders, and neck. For support, place a cushion under your forehead, chest, or legs. From Downward ...
We hold a lot of stress and pain in our neck and shoulders. Try moving your neck ... and try a modified classic yoga move, triangle pose, with the chair as support. Just try it for a few seconds.