This slender-bodied, slate gray insectivore named for its long tail or habitat, depending on which common ... rock shrew is a narrow band in the mountainous region of eastern North America from North ...
Thin and long tailed, with outer tail feathers almost entirely white (tail from below looks white). The bill is thin and pale gray ... Farther north migration starts mid-August, with peak mid ...
Rather plain but with lots of personality, the Gray ... long tail expressively. Most catbirds winter in the southern United States or the tropics, but a few linger far to the north if they have access ...
This spectacular wanderer from the tropics occurs virtually every year in North America ... Most Fork-tailed Flycatchers reaching our area probably come from southern South America: long-distance ...
A fairly recent arrival to North America ... variation will occur. The tail is fairly long and blunt-ended. Adult male: the head is an unmarked, pale buff-gray, while the upperparts are a darker ...
A fearless aerial acrobat, this seabird roams vast oceans and tundra, chasing down its meals with remarkable agility and precision. The Long-tailed Jaeger is characterized by its sleek, gull-like body ...
The bushy, 18-25 cm (7-10 in) tail, which is about half the total length of this 48-51 cm (18-20 in) rodent, is made up of long, wavy hairs ... of the eastern half of North America provide optimum ...
It was about 15-16 inches long — with its tail accounting for much of its length — and weighed about 9-12 ounces. This bird had red eyes ... RANGE: The passenger pigeon was found across most of North ...
Here’s a closer look at two commonly found North American species—the gray fox and ... From tip to tail, both species of foxes measure between 31 to 44 inches long and weigh between 7 to ...
Greylag goose, Anser anser, is one of the Old World species of birds and was known in the pre-Linnean times as Wild Goose. It has ancestral relations with the domesticated geese of Europe and North ...