Maryanne Braverman, now 77, spent 10 years as a nun in a New York-based convent, which she joined just after graduating high ...
Asceticism is the practice of denial of physical or psychological desires in order to attain a spiritual ideal or goal, often ...
Earlier this year Sister Mary Grace and Sister Marie Veritas, members of the Catholic religious community Sisters of Life in Denver, Colorado, answered a series of "top questions about nuns or ...
Sister Rachel Denton, a former nun and teacher, has been living in solitude in a small English town since 2006. She has pledged to live as a hermit for the rest of her life, though she ...
Anyanwu knows she's different. Living a communal life with other nuns, forgoing marriage and children of her own, making vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to God go against modern sensibilities.
The Norbertine Canonesses of Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph were established almost 30 years ago and live their religious ...
The Franciscan nuns were walking around the hospital grounds ... thought that we would be that privileged?” She said King’s life shows “to some extent one person can make a difference.” ...
An homage to the story of Jeanine Deckers, a Belgian nun who became a successful pop star as Soeur Sourire with the song "Dominique" in 1963. After her success, her life became overrun with ...