Six high school students at the Alabama School of Math and Science are taking science to the sea. They are students from all ...
There are numerous effects ... changing ocean environment. How do we know what will happen — won’t there be both winners and losers? Animals respond differently to ocean acidification, and it’s ...
What is the 'other carbon dioxide problem'? How are humans driving changes in the chemistry of the ocean, and what might this mean for marine ecosystems in the future?
Because it involves adding materials to the ocean, OAE is not without its complexities. One concern is around marine ecosystems. With the known consequences of ocean acidification on marine life ...
Because they buffer ocean acidification, they contribute to the resilience of the most vulnerable ecosystems and species, such as coral reefs. And to the coastal ... reducing the effect of human ...
Without decisive action to reduce carbon pollution, our ocean will be fundamentally transformed by climate change and ocean acidification ... adaptation and resilience potential of marine and coastal ...
The signs of human-induced climate change reached new heights in 2024, with some of the consequences being irreversible over ...
At the lab’s first open house since COVID, researchers showed visitors how they monitor declining whale species, how ocean acidification impacts ... “I study how species interact and affect coastal ...
In an interdisciplinary cooperation project of the EU-projects FACE-IT, ECOTIP, and SEA-Quester, scientists investigated the ...
They focused on a group of organisms that form the very basis of Arctic coastal ecosystems ... thereby maintain complex ecosystems. The researchers focused on the effects of climate change ...