Food banks and farms are facing challenges after the U.S. Department of Agriculture eliminated key funding programs.
Ohio food banks are serving more hungry residents than at any point in their history, including during the height of the ...
Local food banks are feeling the pinch — and may offer less local produce — amid federal funding cuts to a program connecting ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture canceled $420 million for a program called the Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative ...
As Ohioans increasingly struggle to put food on the table, the Ohio Association of Foodbanks is urging elected leaders at the ...
Food banks across the state will be losing $6.6 million in LFPA funds, with the Mid-Ohio Food Collective losing $3 million of ...
Northwest Ohio takes pride in helping its military veterans, and Jefferson Award winner Betsy Potts is a veteran herself who ...
I think we finished about roughly $35,000 to the good last year." The food pantry gets most of its product from the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, located in Grove City and Corzine said though he gets most ...
Potts is one of eight local winners of the Jefferson Awards for Public Service and will get a $300 donation to the charity of ...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — Food banks and farms are facing challenges after the U.S. Department of Agriculture eliminated key funding programs as the Trump Administration and the Department of ...
What kind of impact could all of this have on food banks, on our food supply here in Ohio and food insecurity overall? Joree Novotny: Ultimately, our food supply chain is so interconnected in ...
The concern is the latest round of struggles for food banks in Ohio amid policy changes, rising food costs and a proposed state budget that would cut funding for food banks to purchase food ...