We have listed 10 most hated characters in One Piece, including Foxy, Akainu, and others, who the fans dislike to the core.
While One Piece sports a massive ensemble cast, each of their powers are unique and differ in interesting ways. However, a few stand out.
Fukuro's mysterious zipper mouth also makes him one of the wackier characters in One Piece. First introduced as a CP9 agent at Enies Lobby, Fukuro's zipper mouth never seems to stop him from ...
Zoro's ability to use the Nine Sword Style symbolizes his evolution as a swordsman.
Two years before the present One Piece narration, Fukuro was a CP9 agent. He fought against Franky but lost pretty badly. After the time skip, Fukuro presumably improved his fighting skills as he ...
characters with less powers in One Piece are more relatable. When Lucci is introduced in One Piece, he is the most powerful member of Cipher Pol 9 (CP9), an elite group of government assassins who ...
now a part of CP0 rather than CP9. Yet when Kaku reappeared, many fans found themselves asking “What Devil Fruit did Kaku eat in One Piece” given how long the character had been out of action.