Beginning around 1900, these wooden boats, known originally as pinisi (now also spelled phinisi) for the specific types of rigging they feature have been used to carry spices, textiles and other ...
Papua, VIVA – Kapal perang TNI AL, KRI Matabongsang-873 (KRI MBS-873) yang berada dibawah kendali operasi Gugus Keamanan Laut ...
Explore the pristine islands and waters in Indonesia’s Coral Triangle on a yacht built by two South-east Asian siblings. Read more at, JAKARTA - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) memasukkan Kapal Phinisi dalam nominasi warisan budaya dunia. Bila memenuhi syarat, gelar warisan budaya ...
Restoran ini menawarkan pengalaman kuliner unik dengan memadukan cita rasa khas Nusantara dan teknik memasak modern.
It has been known to bite divers. As dive instructor Steve “Roy” Royin explains when I climb back onboard Indonesian Phinisi schooner Prana by Atzaró, this tough-as-nails reef dweller is ...
This flotilla of high-end vessels-most of which are replicas of a centuries-old style called a phinisi-crisscrosses the ...
Ia meminta agar seluruh hotel dan restoran yang ada di Sulsel untuk dapat menghadiri HoRe Ekspo yang berlangsung selama tiga ...