A California company offering the world's first injectable CBD product is in hot water after the FDA said the IV injections ...
They may also contain cannabis compounds like terpenes and flavonoids ... A recent study found that pure CBD, without THC, may be more beneficial for anxiety than CBD products containing THC.
There are two types of CBD: pure and synthetic. Pure means the CBD is plant-based, and the CBD is extracted directly from a variety of the cannabis plant, including hemp. Synthetic CBD is created ...
In recent years, the popularity of CBD products has skyrocketed as more individuals seek natural alternatives to conventional ...
Whether you're a CBD newbie or you've been (literally) bathing in it for years, figuring out your ideal dose is incredibly ...
That's the chemical name for one of the chemicals in the cannabis plant ... devoid of all other plant chemicals and labeled as "pure CBD." But this isolate, which often features in expensive ...
One such solution gaining significant attention is Pure Earth CBD Gummies. These gummies are infused with full-spectrum hemp extract, offering a convenient and tasty way to incorporate the ...
Pure Elevations Canna-Spa in Denver is a first-of-its-kind concept in Colorado that specializes in reefer and relaxation.
Cherry Bloom & Tropical Milkshake Pre-Rolls (Ontario): Fan-favorite Cherry Bloom and Tropical Milkshake cultivars in a 7x0.5g pre-roll format. Soak up that sweet joie de vivre of a Montreal summer—all ...
The global cannabidiol, or CBD, market is exploding, with analysts projecting it will hit 22.05 billion by the year 2030. That's nearly 20% of the size of the global soft drinks market even though ...
In announcing the ban last year, the Hong Kong government cited the difficulty of isolating pure CBD from cannabis, the possibility of contamination with THC during the production process and the ...