KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional has condemned "opportunistic quarters" for exploiting former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's current predicament. In a statement on Sunday (Jan 5), Barisan ...
PETALING JAYA: Barisan Nasional has held a meeting to ensure the smooth presentation of Budget 2025, says Datuk Seri Dr Wee ...
Barisan Nasional dan Partai PAS mencabut dukungan terhadap Mahathir Mohamad setelah laporan Mahathir mau bentuk pemerintahan tanpa oposisi. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Barisan Nasional (BN) dan Partai Islam ...
jpnn.com, LAMPUNG - Barisan Nasional Penjaga Nahdlatul Ulama mendukung kesuksesan pelaksanaan Muktamar Ke-34 NU di Lampung. Barisan Nasional Penjaga Nahdlatul Ulama mendeklarasikan dukungan kepada KH ...
In the two decades since a new generation of insurgents revived the separatist cause, the Deep South has oscillated between piecemeal progress and eruptions of violence. The change comes amid an ...
Mengapa rugi? Pasalnya di dalam tiga wilayah itu, wisatawan bisa menikmati keindahan alam Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS) yang kaya flora dan fauna. Taman nasional ini meliputi dua ...
At the age of 92, Mr Mahathir defeated the Barisan Nasional coalition, which has been in power 60 years. He had come out of retirement to take on his former protege Najib Razak, who has been beset ...