In the absence of salt marshes, we calculate that 5.1 × 10⁴ kmol of ... Concepts and controversies in tidal marsh ecology. Springer. CLYMANS, W., E. STRUYF, G. GOVERS, F. VANDEVENNE, AND D. J. CONLEY.
Ecology 91, 1787–1798 (2010). Cavalieri, A. J. & Huang, A. H. C. Evaluation of proline accumulation in the adaptation of diverse species of salt marsh halophytes to the saline environment.
While scientists have long known that coastal salt marshes are just such a sink for “blue carbon,” or carbon stored in the ocean and coastal ecosystems, it has been difficult to get an ...
M.S. in Wildlife Ecology. Current employment: PhD student, University of Delaware. 4. Whitney A. Wiest. 2010. Development of avian rapid assessment metrics to monitor salt marsh integrity. M.S. in ...
As sea level rises, freshwater marshes get saltier and turn into salt marshes. Conventional wisdom has long held that as freshwater marshes shrink, they release carbon stored in their soil and ...
Her current research focus is on the ecology of microorganisms that mediate critical steps in the nitrogen cycle in estuaries and salt marshes. Nitrogen is key to productivity in the biosphere, and ...
While scientists have long known that coastal salt marshes are just such a sink for 'blue carbon,' or carbon stored in the ocean and coastal ecosystems, it has been difficult to get an accurate ...