The largest predator in South America, the jaguar, has returned to the Iberá wetlands in Argentina 70 years after the species was driven to local extinction through hunting and habitat loss.
The 5-month-old cub, Lacumba III, is the first jaguar born at Baton Rouge Zoo in more than 30 years. She also was the first ...
The word jaguar comes from the South American Tupi and Guarani languages. A likely origin is the word yaguareté, meaning “true, fierce beast.” DESCRIPTION: The largest cat native to North America and ...
At the barbecue restaurant, the currency trader boasted of his ties to a network connecting gangsters in southern China with South American groups that supply jaguar parts. He told Alpha he was ...
And in 2022, in response to a lawsuit by the Center and allies, a federal appeals court upheld a decision to block a vast open-pit mine in jaguar critical habitat south of Tucson. In December 2022 the ...
Rojo has been growing stronger and more independent, preparing for the moment when zoo visitors could finally catch a glimpse of him.