His knee became swollen and he could ... that people bitten by a brown recluse spider visit a doctor if problems persist, ...
The black widow spider can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Its venom is toxic and painful, leaving victims to feel the effects long after the bite. Following is a transcript of the ...
Almost 100 people went to hospital last year with spider bites, according to a report, with the number four times higher than a decade ago. NHS data has shown that 98 spider bites led to A&E ...
Up to the 17th century, people believed the spider bite caused "tarantism" — an uncontrollable urge to weep and dance. As these black hairy spiders spread worldwide, they carried the name with them.
Although a relatively non-aggressive species, this spider is known to fling feces and bite when attacked. One of the more popular pet tarantula species, the Mexican red knee tarantula is known for ...