Like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist or forgetting your umbrella on the one day it downpours, occasional anxiety is ...
Chronic stress may increase your risk of other mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety. If these strategies aren’t giving you tools to cope, try seeking help from a professional.
In stressful situations, our bodies respond by activating the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the autonomic nervous ...
Avoid negative coping mechanisms, such as excessive drinking, drug use, and overeating. These behaviors only exacerbate their ...
Stress is not always the bad guy.  â€œThe stress response is actually very beneficial for us, because it helps us prepare for ...
We caught up with The Psychology Mum, Dr Emma Hepburn for a set of practical ideas parents can use to help with feelings of stress, anxiety and generally feeling overwhelmed. Read on for some ...
Well fear not, because we’re here to help, with some celebrity-approved de-stressing tips that might ... broad range of issues. From dealing with pressure and stress around exams; to self ...
The following strategies can help. Keep things in perspective ... Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2014, 21 October). Coping with stress during infectious disease ...
The constant stream of alarming headlines about market downturns and economic instability can feel overwhelming. Strategies for dealing with anxiety can help.
Here are tips from mental ... anticipatory election stress, psychology professor Shevaun Neupert found that problem analysis was a particularly effective coping mechanism. Problem analysis ...
Neuroscientist Dr. Sarah McKay shares strategies we can use to manage the stress during this important time of our lives.