Mulching sunflowers can greatly improve their growth and health, giving you a colorful, pest-free garden. By mulching around ...
Loved for their bold and cheery presence, sunflowers are one of the most widely recognised garden blooms. Instantly ...
Oilseeds play a dual role on a crop farm, providing a valuable product and a mechanism for enhancing soil health and reducing ...
Sunflower farming is not labour intensive thus easy to practice. It thrives well in areas with sparse rainfall and soil should be slightly acidic. The crop requires 450 mm of rainfall. Sunflower ...
The wooly devil (Ovicula biradiata) was found in Big Bend National Park in Texas with bright red petals and is a member of the sunflower family. It is detailed in a study recently published in the ...
Plants can be of different sizes, shapes and colours and they can grow in soil like sunflowers or in water like water lilies. But no matter what they look like or where they are, most plants grow ...