With weigh-offs to find the largest pumpkin—as well as gourds, watermelons and tomatoes—there are lots of interactive ...
Mabon, also known as "pagan Thanksgiving," is a harvest celebration ... which commemorates the winter solstice and Samhain, ...
Thanksgiving in the US is traditionally ... Regardless, the popular telling of the initial harvest festival is what lived on, thanks to Abraham Lincoln. The enduring holiday has also nearly ...
Thanksgiving began as a chance to celebrate the end of harvest and a moment to reflect on the accomplishments of a year’s work while looking forward to a promising future. That future is ...
From local harvest festival to national holiday, art and objects in the spirit of giving thanks. Enjoy a tour through the collections with a Thanksgiving playlist from Smithsonian Folkways Recordings.
Thanksgiving ... In Italy, Magione’s two-day festival in November celebrates both the feast day of St. Clement and the local olive harvest, bringing together everyone involved in the production ...
On the last Thursday of each November, many people in the US celebrate Thanksgiving, also known as “Turkey Day”, in the spirit of being grateful for life’s blessings. Falling on November 24 ...
On the fourth Thursday of November most Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. It originated as a harvest festival and the most important part of the celebrations is… Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, yams, ...
Many churches do this annually at a Harvest Thanksgiving service ... The purpose of this festival is not only to thank God for the abundance of food many of us enjoy, but also to raise awareness ...
In Korea, the 15th day of the eighth lunar month around the end of summer or beginning of autumn – and the arrival of the full moon mark an important national festival called Chuseok ...