A new character who it is claimed will forever change Marvel Comics will make their premiere in Giant-Size Spider-Man #1.
This June, experience Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man #1, a must-have one-shot of new Marvel Universe-spanning stories from ...
From a massive supervillain team to raising the dead, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 sounds like one of the wildest superhero ...
The announcement trailer for the '80s Spider-Man movie that was never produced is a throwback to a very different era for ...
Hot on the heels of the news that Kevin Smith is writing a crossover between Jay and Silent Bob and Archie Comics, the writer ...
Wrestlers Matt Cardona and Brian Myers appearing on the cover to the new Amazing Spider-Man #1 cover out next month.
Marvel Comics has shared a first look inside Godzilla vs. Spider-Man #1, and it sees the web-slinger (wearing his alien ...
it seems that Joe Kelly will be taking over the Amazing Spider-Man ongoing series for Marvel from Zeb Wells. Based on nothing more than a circle label on the back cover of Moon Knight: First Of ...
And yet the only movie studio to take an interest in ... they put the actor in costume for the March 1985 cover of Amazing Spider-Man #262. Readers who bought that issue back in the day really ...