A landmark speech by Rhodri Morgan setting out his political vision for Wales was privately dismissed as "dreadful nonsense" ...
When Andrew Buncombe met the 39th president it was rare for ex-occupants of Oval Office to criticize their successors ...
Sir Tony Blair’s government took seriously an apparent “republican” threat to poison England’s water supplies, records show ...
The records from the National Archives in Dublin show that the SDLP and the Irish government were heavily against the idea.
Blair suggested nationalists in the North may back England in 2002 World Cup Former British prime minister Tony Blair ...
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was said to be gutted after the gaffe, which is detailed in newly unsealed documents from ...
Bob Geldof urged Tony Blair to take the lead in overhauling the system of international development aid for Africa as he ...
Berlusconi acted like ‘jilted lover’ after being shut out of Tony Blair talks - He was said to have been particularly ‘hurt’ ...