No. The modern traditional costumes (whether Dirndl or Lederhosen) have become more and more popular as an article of clothing in recent years. However, there is no dress code at the Oktoberfest ...
They’re offering dirndl and lederhosen crafting ... Vendors include Gerhard’s Brats, Aki’s Breadhaus offering traditional German baked goods, Pierogi2Gogi, German-style chicken and turkey ...
Tourists heading out to the night market in Chiang Mai may come across a Thai woman wearing a traditional German dirndl dress and hat. Here, in her country’s provincial capital, she is keen to ...
Festivalgoers are encouraged to dress in a lederhosen or dirndl, traditional German attire, to heighten the spirit of the event. Maifest at Big Bear Lake is set kickoff on off Saturday ...
Tourists heading out to the night market in Chiang Mai may come across a Thai woman wearing a traditional German dirndl dress and hat. Here, in her country’s provincial capital, she is keen to ...