As a trans woman, Helms wanted to create something to represent her community. She debuted the flag at a Pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona in 2000, and marched in the color guard of Pride parades ...
Flags are a simple way to celebrate and demonstrate support for a community For the LGBTQ+ community, Pride flags serve as a ...
The Philadelphia flag was designed in 2017 ... This design also pays tribute to the queer and trans people of color who began the modern LGBTQ+ liberation movement. Bisexuality is an orientation ...
A mob of trans rights activists are continuously hijacking community education council meetings in NYC, employing “tactics” ...
When straight people see the acronym LGBTQ+, they tend to think of the varied people falling under its broad umbrella as a ...
A reader applauds Renée Graham’s column on the crucial role that trans women of color played in the Stonewall rebellion.
Queer and Trans People of Color, also known as QTPOC, was conceived when a group of friends began sharing their experiences as queer and trans people of color, UW student and QTPOC co-founder Daniel ...