Few things in hunting rival the excitement of a tom turkey’s thundering gobble from the limb before first light. When that gobbler finally struts into range and you make a perfect shot, you will have ...
I’ve been turkey hunting for just shy of 30 years. For the first half of that time, everyone hunted turkeys pretty much the same way, using hen calls and woodsmanship to get a gobbler to within ...
A Huntingdon County man is facing charges after police said he mistook another hunter for a turkey and shot him in the face ...
Three popular turkey calls are a slate and striker, a box call, and a diaphragm mouth call. The slate and box calls are easier to master but the mouth call allows hands-free operation, which is needed ...
He was fired up. So was the rest of the flock. I heard every turkey vocalization in the book. The hunt began a mere 150 yards from the bird. Setting up under an ash tree, all that was left was for the ...
To help you have your best spring hunt ever, we've recruited 15 expert turkey hunters from all around the county to answer the two questions on every turkey hunter's mind going into the season ...
Hunters will not be restricted to a single permit area. A spring turkey license will provide the opportunity to hunt all permit areas in the state, with the exception of three major wildlife ...
El DORADO So far, so great after the first day at the 30th annual Kansas Governor’s Turkey Hunt based in El Dorado. As of the 5:30 p.m. end of registering turkeys, with 42 of 73 hunters had ...