Germany changed the tactic during WWI via unrestricted submarine warfare, which meant that German U-boats could attack without warning any vessel it came across. Germany sank the civilian vessel ...
If Taylor’s team could confirm the old story that the two vessels wiped each other out, it would make for a unique history, the only known “incident where both a U-boat and Q-ship sank during ...
The U-boat was sunk off the coast of Scotland in ... A convoy of British ships at sea during WW1. The armed convoys helped Britain maintain the supplies it needed to survive and continue to ...
U-boats were very vulnerable ... Olympic became a troop ship during WW1 and was repainted in dazzle. She shows some of the techniques used by dazzle designers. Bold shapes at the bow and stern ...
Before I kick off this week's effort I'd just like to say thanks to those who got in touch re last week's TRM.
The food aboard a German U-boat could get really monotonous ... and comes from a German cookbook from WWI. You need to like sauerkraut in order to enjoy this soup, as there isn’t anything ...