The Vicarious Trauma Training Certificate Program is a comprehensive framework for understanding and managing the impact of trauma exposure in professional roles. The curriculum is designed to cover ...
Those who regularly experience vicarious trauma often neglect their own self-care and inner life as they struggle with images and stories that can’t be forgotten. Symptoms of compassion fatigue ...
Compassion fatigue, on the other hand, is a specific type of burnout ... Compassion fatigue stems from exposure to vicarious trauma, while burnout is caused by excessive work-related stress ...
So what can you do about it? Vicarious trauma is "second-hand" trauma, experienced when you're not directly impacted by a distressing event, but you see it happen or are repeatedly exposed to ...
Secondary/Vicarious trauma can occur for those who work with trauma survivors and/or who are exposed to other’s traumatic situations. Vicarious trauma can affect the following areas: physical, ...
Some research has seen debriefs make it worse for those who attend compared to those who do not. Vicarious trauma can occur amongst participants when listening to others experiences of the disaster.