Some of the most powerful backhands in tennis are held with this grip. Its limitations are similar ... hand off the racquet to hit the slice or volley is also troubling for many twohanders ...
This is the way to hold the racquet for the serve, volley, sliced backhand and smash. It is known as the chopper grip, because it is the way you would hold an axe. It allows you to swing the racket ...
The world No. 2 hits ground strokes with the best of them. But volleys? Yes, he has those, too. His backhand drop volley is a beauty. The drop volley—I prefer “stop” volley—is a shot that ...
Overall, it serves as a comprehensive guide for improving tennis skills. Keywords tennis, fundamentals, forehand, backhand, service, grip, Eastern grip, timing, body movement, overhead smash, volley, ...
Aim: To examine the pre- and post-impact activation of five upper extremity muscles in the tennis volley across conditions of ball speed, ball type and side of the body. Methods: A repeated measures ...