Facebook users first shared the photo in late February 2025, claiming, "A group of wild black bears has taken over Highway 65 ...
Several residents in the area reported seeing the bear starting at 3 a.m. before photos captured it traveling downtown near the Corvallis Police Department. Police say the bear was “last spotted ...
The video opens with a voiceover setting the scene: "When the park ranger has to tell people to get away from the bear because they are just taking pictures ... with wild animals can lead ...
I've taken thousands of bear photos. Every bear has its own personality, and every photo its own story. Picking an all-time favorite is impossible, but here are a few I'm particularly fond of.
A lack of snow in southwest Colorado has been contributing to continued bear activity through the winter season, so the rehab facility has remained quite a bit busier than usual — after what was an ...
Footage illustrates the danger grizzly bears pose to free-roaming horses in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies.
Never underestimate a grandma’s love. Jane Fonda revealed she once saved her then-infant grandson, Malcolm, from a wild bear who broke into her New Mexico home in the middle of the night.
A pair of orphaned bear cubs weighed too little to hibernate in the wild, so wildlife officials fattened them up and released them inside a makeshift den, photos show. Colorado Parks and Wildlife ...