the iPhone Dev Team has already released the PwnageTool and QuickPwn for the update. So, if you were sitting on your jail-broken iPhone or iPod Touch feeling like you were left out of all the ...
As promised in their yellowsnow demo, [pytey], [MuscleNerd], and [planetbeing] from the iphone-dev team presented at 25C3 on their work Hacking the iPhone. The team originally formed in 2007 and ...
Leave it to the iPhone dev team to re-jailbreak an iPhone nary a few days after the latest iPhone firmware 2.2 was released. Up front and center on the dev team’s blog is QuickPwn for 2.2 and ...
The Dev Team decided to save SHAtter for a future release of iOS, a not-so-popular but smart move looking forward. In this post we’ll show you how you can easily jailbreak your iPhone (or iPod Touch) ...
Now that the iphone-dev team has unlocked the iPhone 3G they’re moving onto jailbreaking the iPod Touch 2G. While they have a fully working jailbreak, it’s not yet in a user friendly format.
A member of the iPhone Dev team -- the notorious iPhone OS hacking group -- demonstrated a jailbreaking hack to the long-awaited iPad after its release in Apple retail stores across the country ...