You can finally forget about those unaesthetic acoustic ceilings. Here is Pyrymyd, an advanced all-in-one product, able to create various scenarios and personalized micro ambiences. Therefore, it is a ...
The fittings and shades are made from cast glass, featuring a gradient of black, gold, and white hues. The surfaces exhibit a smooth texture. The fittings and shades are made from cast glass, ...
Indirect lighting imparts a warm atmosphere and creates an extra spatial effect. Whether tautly linear or diffuse, as uplight or downlight, one thing is certain: it enhances the architecture. What’s ...
The idea is to create a tailor-made suit for a ceramist friend: “Contigo” (@contigo.ceramics) based on our shared values: Fascination for light, flexibility of space, neutral colors, material ...
Glasgow product family is defined by their spherical glass shades around the bulbs. The biggest model, Glasgow 9, has nine lights and the pendant looks impressive due to its large size. There are also ...
Mit der limitierten Kollektion von Freifrau, in Zusammenarbeit mit Hutmacherin und Künstlerin Maryam Keyhani, werden Kissen und Poufs zu echten Hinguckern. Farbenfroh, mit einzigartiger Hutform und ...
The McCormick Tribune Campus Center at Illinois Institute of Technology seeks to reinvigorate the urbanism inherent – but long since neglected – in Mies van der Rohe’s 1940 masterplan for the Illinois ...
Ceramic slabs in two sizes – a rectified 160x320 size with 6.5mm thickness and an unrectified 162x324 size with 12mm thickness – enable the creation of tops and backsplashes for kitchens and bathrooms ...
An effort to connect with all things natural and go back to design basics gives us the Texture series. In a range of three natural shades—White, Beige and Grey—and material reliefs that clearly recall ...
Lagoon is a design material in porcelain stoneware inspired by Cardoso Stone: a collection in which painstaking detail and depth of colour evoke the expressive power of nature. The stylish, skilfully ...
The client of this house has long enjoyed an open and free “downtown-culture” lifestyle in this formerly Japanese-style house. The house is intended to be opened up as much as possible to the exterior ...
Rectangular bench covered in the fabrics of the collection with metal structure in Bronzoro finish and solid canaletta walnut seat frame. Rectangular bench covered in the fabrics of the collection ...