The U.S. military is searching for ways to track and stop drone swarms flying over sensitive national security sites.
The U.S. Military is training service members how to neutralize drones before they strike as they become an increasing threat on the battlefield.
Kratos has unveiled plans for a Mach 5-capable drone that promises to be ‘orders of magnitude’ cheaper than any comparable ...
SETERMOEN, Norway — The Norwegian Army has dropped tennis balls on tanks to test new attack strategies for drones, drawing on ...
The announcement came less than an hour after Elon Musk, an opponent of crewed fighter planes, met with the Defense secretary.
Defense contractor General Atomics announced it flew the Gray Eagle Extended Range drone using the PLEO satellite ...
The bill specifically bans the sale, transfer, modification, operation, or equipping of robots or drones with mounted weapons ...
With sabotage risks on NATO’s mind, formations like this are rising to new prominence in national force structures.
Lockheed Martin subsidiary Sikorsky has successfully flown an electric-powered, 115-lb (52-kg) autonomous drone that uses ...
Understanding the evolving threat of UAVs in military operations and the challenges they pose for countries like India.
Over the course of ten sorties, more than 30 tennis balls were dropped on battle tanks while Norway conducted trials as part of Nato’s Joint Viking 2025 exercise earlier this month ...
Latin America’s drone arms race is growing, with governments struggling to match criminals using UAVs for smuggling, spying ...