While Star Wars: Skeleton Crew mainly revolves around these four characters, it also introduces viewers to some other exciting characters like the one-eyed, burly robotic space pirate SM-33 ...
In its final episode, Skeleton Crew sticks the landing with lots of action and some genuinely tense moments, but its answers ...
new Star Wars hero-ship is about to bite the dust. But then, everybody remembers that the pirate droid, SM-33, told them all never to touch a specific button because if they did, it would activate ...
As fascinating as the story is, it's a lot to include in just 40 minutes. The lack of time is the main issue in Skeleton Crew ...
The ending of Star Wars series Skeleton Crew explained, plus the truth about Jude LAw’s character Jod Na Nawood revealed.
Skeleton Crew was something of anachronism for modern Star Wars projects. Instead of being full of callbacks and Easter eggs, the show went in different directions, showing a bit of suburban life in ...
These issues aren't exclusive to Star Wars shows, but it's been a big ... the lost coordinates to At Attin and gaining control of SM-33. Wim's button-pushing obsession saved them via a trap ...
We're starting the new year off properly with Star Wars: Skeleton Crew and more ... the treacherous Jod or the loyalty-swapping droid, SM-33 (Nick Frost), the younglings have no one but themselves ...