Eruptions of subglacial volcanoes may not be visible on the surface, but they can have consequences for the ice sheet. Heat ...
Earthquake early warning systems are rarely accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. A group of scientists is ...
New processing strategies applied to old seismic data reveal potential pockets of magmatic fluids or melts from the upper ...
A fleet of spacecraft captured unprecedented details of the major solar outbursts in May and June 2024.
In the decade since the start of the Flint water crisis, policymakers and communities have made improvements to the lives of ...
Antarctica is losing ice quickly, in part because of climate change. Massive calving events, such as the one that formed the Delaware-sized (5,800 square kilometers, or 2,239 square miles) A-68 ...
The way climate change affects thermodynamic signals, such as atmospheric temperatures, is relatively well understood. Its effects on atmospheric circulation, however, are more complex because the ...
Sea ice that has persisted for at least 15 days and is held fast to the shoreline is called “fast ice.” Around Antarctica, fast ice protects continental ice from ocean waves, creates unique ...
Earthquake ruptures typically propagate unilaterally or bilaterally from their hypocenters. However, in some cases rupture takes a backward turn after propagating certain distances along the ...
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Gravity datasets can be non-unique but have the merits of potentially constraining mass distribution with depth. For certain applications, such as assessing undersea volcanoes, conventional data ...