An elementary school student at North Star Academy in Redwood City, California watches students play basketball on the blacktop at the end of the school day. (Hannah Woodworth/Peninsula Press) On Oct.
Themed “Ideas with Impact,” the ATXpo event aimed to bring Stanford’s community into a single physical space to discuss teaching and learning with technology.
Eviction notices in San Francisco have jumped 60 percent since 2011 — especially in the Mission, Sunset, South of Market and Tenderloin neighborhoods. Santa Clara County is one of just 17 counties in ...
Local artist Dan Woodard currently has a solo sculpture show titled “Heads and Hands,” on display at the Redwood City Rotunda Gallery.
International cooperation among law enforcement agencies is key to investigating cyber crimes, according to a panel of federal law enforcement officials and security network experts.
Shares of this manufacturer of robot-assisted surgical systems dropped Tuesday following the company’s Thursday report of lower profits for the fourth quarter of 2014.
Clarion Alley encapsulates San Francisco’s Mission District, a neighborhood that is culturally rich but also rife with tension.
SILICON VALLEY — Happy cows supposedly come from California. Maybe it’s because they see into the future of food and agriculture technology in Silicon Valley.
In celebration of Earth Day, Palo Alto organized a series of activities, including educational booths, live music, food trucks, a chance to meet zoo animals and electric car test drives. As San ...
Last month, tech writer Kate O’Neill sparked a debate online, with a sarcastic tweet speculating that Facebook’s “Ten Year Challenge” was really a ploy by the social media company to fuel it’s facial ...
The Opportunity Center in Palo Alto is celebrating a decade of providing affordable housing, medical services and other amenities to the area’s homeless and near-homeless community.