£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
A while ago I was in need of a new Phono Pickup Cartridge. Having stayed for a long time with such budget favorites as the Cambridge C-77 and a nice NAD 9100, I was not going to shell out for a Koetsu ...
Being able to transmit the artistic content of the musical event as much as possible, trying to keep the original spirit of who interpreted this event, in order to deliver all the cultural flavours ...
This review is a bit of a departure for me. Usually, I publish a review and then answer letters concerning the review. With the JoLida JD-100A, I have received countless e-mails that read something ...
AudioNote are a famous company, but primarily they are famous for Single Ended (SE) amplifiers of awesome ability and staggering cost. I'm not sure if there's a "Guinness Book of Records" entry for ...
From the Scandinavian south, Denmark, arrives for trial on the pages of TNT-Audio, a product which is in some aspects amazing: the Densen De Magic! Is this perhaps one of those particular systems of ...
This is not the first time TNT-Audio reviews JPS cables. For example, I tested the reference SuperConductor 2 interconnects and the Power AC mains cable while Nels Ferré reviewed the UltraConductor ...
Audio Note is elusive. If you are an avid reader of cellulose hifi magazines, you may have read appraisals from those top-class reviewers. Perhaps their product's unbelievable price tags are one of ...
With Geoff's recent articles on turntables it's made me think a bit more about my analog setup. I've wondered if I might be able to squeeze some more out of my ...
I don't really enjoy reviewing cables very much. It's quite a hassle to replace one cable for another, and it means switching off the power amp, which then has to warm up again after the swap.
Less than 1 year ago I reviewed the NorthStar Model 192 DAC, a D/A converter which makes use of the well known upsampling technique, bringing the usual 16/44 CD format up to 24/192. Last autumn the ...
As with most budget conscious CD-Players, one of the most inadequate parts that make up the whole is the Chassis/Case. Marantz's Ken Ishiwata has realised that himself and therefor the MAIN ...