Linda Lavin, the beloved veteran stage and TV actress known for her Emmy-nominated role in the 1976 sitcom Alice and for her ...
India is now a testing ground for whether demagoguery or deteriorating living conditions exert a greater sway on voters.
It was the last thing Lana Jokel was expecting.On opening night of the Hamptons Doc Fest in early December, she settled into ...
Some make resolutions going into a new year. Others make plans. Around our region in the closing month of 1949, the latter ...
The archives of pioneering American Black singer Ethel Waters, a stage, movie and TV star ... nomination came for her performance in "Pinky" (1949). Just where have Waters' papers, recordings ...
When Archibald Montgomery Low dreamed of the future, his visions were sometimes surprisingly accurate. In 1925, the British ...
The tortured architect in Brady Corbet’s film required a powerhouse performance from Adrien Brody. The Oscar winning actor and production designer Judy Becker share how they crafted the character – ...
Twentieth century newspaper trend reports show that oranges won't be coming back in vogue as Christmas stocking stuffers ...
Towards the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949, Shanghai merchant Chen Hui-wen (é™³æƒ æ–‡ ... In 1963, as the popularity of traditional theater waned, the Red House became a movie theater, with Yang as ...
The folk singer, who died in 2014, was famous for his songs about working people, unions and social justice. In this 1984 interview, Seeger cited Woody Guthrie as one his most important influences.