The artist found a way to expand the parameters of observational painting, causing us to look inward and reflect upon what we see.
Hopeful artists will arrive at the Art Gallery of NSW all week as the Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prize season begins.
BMW just hit the road with something completely different—a global art and design tour starring race cars turned into rolling ...
Neighbors on Mariposa Street in Altadena, Calif., say artworks can be remade, but how do you restart a community?
Alone among the art forms, fashion carries a stigma of being silly, shallow and extravagant. When compared with other types ...
SolTrans was looking for someone to showcase the organization's motto. They need look no further than local artist Miro Salazar, who created the perfect portrait.
Celebrate the return of spring with our Lifestyle Editor's curated itineraries to five inspiring destinations to explore 'out of town' ...
Experts in an artist’s work can come to different conclusions, and catalogues raisonnés are contested more often than you ...
The darkly comic Southern novelist kept a quiet practice in the visual arts. For the centenary of her birth, her paintings ...
Neither maximalist nor minimalist, overtly modern or traditional, the soulful interior is a millefeuille of colour, texture ...
Without being able to get into the heads of animals, it’s hard to say for sure. But instances of pig painters, whale crooners ...