People with confirmed lymphoedema should wear a compression garment during long flights, and people who are at high risk (for example, those who have had a complete axillary dissection ... and cleanly ...
Others, such as cellulitis, are not contagious ... in moist areas of the body where surfaces meet, such as the feet, armpit, or where there are skin folds. In some cases, an allergy to the ...
A secondary bacterial infection, such as cellulitis, lymphangitis, or impetigo, can result if a person scratches the bite area and breaks the skin. Antibiotics can treat these infections.
tender papule in his right armpit. At the time, he was undergoing immunosuppressive therapy as part of cancer treatment. Over the next 6 weeks he sought care for the lesion, which worsened. In ...
Cellulitis is a skin infection that can occur when bacteria enter an open bug bite. Early treatment is crucial. Learn how to ...
Dr. Kandace P. McGuire discusses how targeted axillary staging differs from traditional methods of staging in patients undergoing breast cancer treatment. Targeted axillary dissection is used for ...
or a localized cause of fever (e.g., cellulitis). When appropriate, a study nurse examined participants for eschars. If feasible, a venous blood sample was obtained from an asymptomatic control ...
Cracked heels aren't usually dangerous, but sometimes they can get infected and lead to a skin infection called cellulitis. Heel fissures, or cracked heels, happen when the skin on the bottom of ...
Armpit rashes often develop due to allergic reactions, infections, and chronic conditions. Rashes are common under the arms because the skinfold creates a warm, moist environment. Additionally, the ...
However, reports on axillary lymph node metastasis are scarce. In this case, we present an extremely rare instance of malignant breast adenomyoepithelioma with axillary lymph node metastasis. By ...