A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the fate of the Syrian dictator after he fled to Moscow following his downfall.
Long-Serving Dictator Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea Receives “Lifetime Non-Achievement Award” ...
Bashar al-Assad was never expected to rule Syria. That job was meant for his older brother, Basil, who trained as a military commander while Bashar studied to be an ophthalmologist. He wasn’t ...
Ousted Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad appears to have issued his first statement since the fall of his regime over a week ...
Ousted Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad planned to keep fighting rebel forces in the country before Russia evacuated him, ...
Syria's Bashar al-Assad and his family have arrived in Russia and have been granted asylum by the Russian authorities, Russian news agencies reported on Sunday, citing a Kremlin source.