In the wake of Infinite Crisis, DC Comics decided to jump ahead an entire year for many of its series as part of its “One ...
Based on the ratio of body weight to strength, the dung beetle is not only the strongest insect but the strongest animal in the world, pound-for-pound. It can pull over 1,000 times its body weight.
Genetic analyses have solved the riddle of where a marsupial mole fits on the tree of life: It’s a cousin to bilbies, bandicoots and Tasmanian devils.
Global biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, with agriculture as a major driver. There is mounting evidence that intercropping can increase insect biodiversity while maintaining or ...
Like all insects, beetles have six jointed legs, a head, thorax and abdomen. They are generally characterised by a particularly hard exoskeleton and hard forewings. The beetle's exoskeleton is made up ...
I have a memory as a kid of coming across a very strange beetle. It was either somewhere in Arizona or Nevada in the desert and back before it was ...
Brian Barczyk was a passionate wildlife enthusiast and vlogger who dedicated his life to sharing his extraordinary journey with animals on YouTube since May 10, 2016. His remarkable adventures led him ...
Bundle up, Black Hills! The cold weekend will continue! Temperatures across the region continue to fall, and with the wind ...