Whether you're sedentary or hitting the weight rack, it's important to stretch the shoulders, neck, back and wrists to relieve tension and improve mobility.
Relax your shoulders. Relax the upper back. With the hands on the mat, scoot your arms under where you're actually sitting on your forearms. Lift up into your elbows. This is fish pose.
Yoga is an ancient practice that blends physical postures, breathing, and meditation to promote overall well-being.
Follow these steps to do the Table Top pose correctly. Begin on your hands and knees, aligning your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Your fingers ...
If comfortable, clasp your hands beneath your body, rolling your shoulders under to create more space in your chest. Remember that yoga isn’t about achieving perfect poses but rather about ...
Scooch your right hand under behind the back ... It takes a lot of shoulder strength to do this pose. So go slowly. Always, go slowly. Just press yourself back into a Down Dog.
Cobra pose is a great exercise for the spine and chest. This asana straightens and releases stress. Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulder, push your head up and raise off the ground.