What's up BUZZERS! Today we decided to set up our betta sorority tank since all of you were commenting that you want to see ...
In today's video we got some colorful baby shrimp for our betta fish tank! We even show you guys the baby betta fish that we hatched from betta breeding! The betta fush are so colorful and satisfying!
In this post, we will show you how to choose the best 5-gallon Betta tank. The light color doesn’t highlight betta fish a lot This beautiful aquarium is perfect for multiple baby bettas. It comes with ...
as these fish have an organ that lets them breathe air! They like a warm tank between 70–80°F with plenty of plants. Betta fish are an iconic colorful tropical fish, and very popular home aquariums.
One of the coolest freshwater aquarium fish, the Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is a vibrantly-colored fish often swimming solo in brandy sniffers and ornamental vases in the office and home. They ...
Betta fish actually loves hiding and sleeping around plants, so adding some appropriate plants to your tank will make it more like a home to bettas. Bettas DON’T eat plants (whether leaves, roots, or ...
Jestina Falconer and Jackson Sisul, seniors at Oskaloosa High School, are taking hands-on learning to new heights with their ...
Minutes later Dimoglo recorded himself with a cell phone scooping a betta fish, also known as a Siamese fighting fish, out of a fish tank and then dropping it on the floor. It was found dead later in ...
Vibrant and easy to care for, Betta fish are low-maintenance and require minimal cleaning, making them ideal for small spaces and busy schedules.
Though it has been temporarily disassembled, the Bed-Stuy Aquarium has big plans for the future, organizers said last week, ...