The estimated cost of the recovered cellphones, which were handed over to their respective owners today (Wednesday), is Rs 17 lakh," the Bhojpur SP said. He added 326 lost cellphones worth Rs 72 ...
Ara: Bhojpur district magistrate Tanai Sultania on Friday asked the officials concerned to arrange bonfires at prominent roads and corners across the district. Soon after the DM’s order ...
At the famous Bhojpur Shiv Temple, the massive Shivling was adorned with flowers and kites. Thousands of devotees gathered to seek blessings, with over 150 police personnel deployed to ensure ...
The code is six digits long. You can find out the pin code of Bhojpur district in Bihar right here. The first three digits of the PIN represent a specific geographical region called a sorting ...
The tiger sighting comes less than a week after a group of around 35 cyclists, passing through the vicinity of the Bhojpur Temple as part of an expedition through the Chiklod forests, sighted a ...
India has 29 states with at least 720 districts comprising of approximately 6 lakh villages, and over 8200 cities and towns. Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code ...
This exceptional structure, dating to the First Temple period, was revealed during excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the City of David. The newly published article in ...
The mystery didn’t last long — and a lot of savvy folks online predicted it — but New Heights confirmed who this week’s surprise guest would be. In a new social clip, the popular podcast ...
"The New Heights podcast with Jason and Travis Kelce", is a fan-favorite podcast that features weekly discussions about various sports news with a humorous twist. The episodes often include guests ...