The church is located at 328 N. Swope St. Worship, 9:30 a.m.; Scripture: John 10:11-18; sermon: “Jesus Is the Good Shepherd;” ...
Family and friends said their final farewells Monday to a substitute teacher killed in a shooting at a private religious ...
After noticing their neighborhood included a lot of widows, two women took steps to bring them together for fun, fellowship.
Jesus is no myth. He is the ultimate reality and he is the reality we all need.
Annunciation House feeds, shelters, and clothes immigrants. State officials say it's "systemic criminal conduct." ...
She’s the rarest of seniors: a centenarian who is sharp as a tack, who carries grocery bags in each hand when she walks back ...
The Bible tells us after He created everything, God declared this world “very good” (Genesis 1:31). However, we know this is ...