Pokemon GO Blastoise is a powerful Water-type creature ... You can use Blastoise in battles, but it must learn its best moveset before facing Pocket Monsters, including its counters, in PvP ...
The 100% perfect IV stats for Totodile, including a preview of shiny Croconaw and Feraligatr, for March’s Community Day ...
Pokémon Go is having a Totodile Community Day event on Saturday, March 22 from 2-5 p.m. in your local time. As expected with ...
The world of Pokémon is filled with some pretty creepy and intimidating critters, but also some adorable ones too, like Pikachu and Eevee.
Gigantamax options include Blastoise, Toxtricity and Kingler ... along with their typing being resistant to the Max Bosses potential moveset. Healers are Pokémon that have Max Spirit levelled up.
It’s THE bulkiest Fire starter in Pokemon GO, aside from only its immediate predecessor Crocalor ... especially this season with things like Jellicent, Lapras, Blastoise, Malamar, Sableye, Cradily, ...
Raikou has arrived to Max Battles, and here's your chance to add this Pokémon to your roster, teaching it the best attacks.
Add Dynamax Blissey to your Max Battle raid rotation, and welcome one of the most durable Pokémon to the mobile game.
Pokemon GO Absol is a visually striking Pokemon with an excellent Attack stat, but its poor defenses make it a liability in both PvE and PvP. Although the addition of Brutal Swing slightly ...