A Chicago-based insurance brokerage and financial services firm is growing its footprint in South Florida with the addition ...
Geico is one of the country’s leading insurance providers, with consistently affordable rates as its defining feature.
This profile has not been claimed by the company. See reviews below to learn more or submit your own review. Geico Boat Insurance provides marine insurance coverage. The company offers policies ...
I'm not just losing a boat. I'm losing my slip, my harbour, my friends. This is my whole community,' says boater from ...
Sri Lanka has issued regulations covering boats, yachts and visiting leisure craft after consulting with stakeholders and ...
Parts of Suva harbor in Fiji resemble a ship graveyard with more than two dozen rusting and unseaworthy vessels abandoned due ...
It’s up to every individual to get their insurance company to look at their boats, to go from there, really, and then we’ve got our marina insurance guy coming down. ”The marina has been ...
Fifteen boats were damaged in a fire at Tauranga Marina on Wednesday, with the cause yet to be determined. Four boats - a ...
How does yacht insurance work? Hughes talks to Simon Hedley, head of commercial partnerships at Pantaenius UK.
Fifteen boats were damaged in a fire at Tauranga Marina on Wednesday, with the cause yet to be determined. Four boats - a yacht and three launches - had to be removed from the water on to the hard ...
It was obvious that the boat had capsized Michaux said that arrangements can be made with the owner’s insurance policy, be it a commercial tech or commercial salvage company, to retrieve the vessel.