Breathing is a thing we do without thinking; it keeps us alive. But there is far more to this most basic of biological ...
In other words, calm down everyone. As of Friday night when we watched the first game of a 12-team playoff, college football became a real, big-boy sport with an actual postseason. When it's real ...
Shift to diaphragmatic breathing by directing your breath down to your belly. Inhale gently through your nose for a count of ...
Four breathing exercises you should be doing every day, according to an expert - Breathe your way to a calmer state of mind ...
A tabletop zen garden is an incredibly calming addition to any home. These little gardens are designed to bring inner peace ...
If the patient has experienced hyperventilation syndrome before, he or she may know a few go-to relaxation strategies to help achieve calm and restore normal breathing patterns, such as guided imagery ...
You may likely experience: rapid eye movements behind your closed eyelids faster and more variable breathing increased ... Here are some sleep hygiene tips to help improve your sleep quality ...
If you feel even a bit calmer, you have just experienced the power of conscious and intentional breathing. Research shows ...
Listening to calm music distracts your mind and reduces stress. It boosts your mood, calms your anxiety, and also lowers cortisol levels.
A mindful morning routine sets the tone for a calm, productive day by aligning ... Deep diaphragmatic breathing: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Place one hand on your abdomen and ...
Getty Images First, draw a Christmas tree featuring a down arrow followed by an up arrow ... slow your heart rate and promotes a sense of calm. Taking slow, deep breaths into your abdomen ...