Marvel Studios' The Falcon and The Winter Soldier stars Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson aka The Falcon, and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier. The pair, who came together in the ...
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Captain America and The Winter ... that the duo had a whole Disney+ series devoted to them, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. But with Sam Wilson’s Captain America ...
Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Captain America and The Winter Soldier. These are MCU ...
Anthony Mackie will never stop hyping up his Falcon ... Wilson and Bucky Barnes, respectively. In 2021, the pair headlined their own Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, cementing ...
"We're still friends with Sebastian Stan, by the way," Mackie joked while presenting at the ceremony with his "Captain America: Brave New World" costar Harrison Ford.